Film Reviews Horror

Housebound (2014)

This was on Netflix and has a 6.8 on IMDB, let’s do it. So we have this dude and chick trying to break into an ATM. He has a sledgehammer. It bounces back upon impact and knocks him out. She used an explosive, the alarm goes off, she drags him back to the car, then […]

9 Deuce Group Film Discussions

9 Deuce Horror Presents Housebound (2014) and Honeymoon (2014) with a dash of Dead Silence (2007)

The 9 Deuce Horror Group is back to discuss 2 horror flicks from 2014 that are currently on NetFlix: Housebound and Honeymoon.  Chris, Kristi, Dom, and Kent are back to discuss the films and give their insight.  It appears that Housebound was the clear cut favorite, but both had their merits.  You should absolutely give […]

Film Reviews Horror

The Boy (2016)

Here’s a movie starring Maggie from The Walking Dead, Miss Lauren Cohen. It had promise, but did it ultimately deliver? I’m going to jump straight to the point. If you like creepy doll movies, the first hour will be enjoyable. The pacing was fine, and everything was going good and it could have absolutely delivered. […]