Film Reviews Horror

Nails (2017)

I have been curious about this film for months, but then I saw that Shauna Macdonald was in it, and the reviews weren’t great, so I avoided it.  I can admit, I made a mistake.

Now, for those of you who may not be familiar with Shauna by name, she was the lead in the Descent, which I thought was incredibly overhyped and just a jump scare fest instead of actual horror.  It’s not fair for me to hold that against her, but she didn’t do anything that stood out to me in that film.  I can say that she was really good in this.  I thought her performance was really well done, and she couldn’t scream, so she had to have subtlety in her performance.  I also really liked Ross Noble in the role of Trevor.  You may know Ross from the horror comedy, Stitches, in which he plays the titular character.  Everybody else was just kinda there.  Leah McNamara as Gemma was pretty good.

There are some spoilers in this next paragraph, but they shouldn’t ruin the film.  Dana was this coach of sorts for college I think, and she gets hit while out running and is in a hospital.  Her head is f’d up, she has a breathing tube, her arm was really messed up.  Her husband Steve and daughter Gemma visit her daily, I think.  At night, Dana sees someone.  So her paranoia keeps escalating and she gets cameras installed.  The nurse, Trevor, tries to help calm her, but she keeps seeing things.  She learns of a patient, Eric Nilsson, and his past, and well you can imagine where it goes from here.

I really thought the pacing was really good.  Never dull really.  The scary scenes were well done.  I don’t necessarily understand why Nails can do the things he does, the Ashley and Steve scene at the end was a tad confusing, but at that point, I didn’t care about either.  Had we seen Ashley topless, I may have cared.  Overall, the story was good enough to keep my attention and I had a good time.

Rating: 6.1 Perfectly good enough film to watch with friends or to kill time.  It’s nothing groundbreaking, but it was a fun experience and I would watch it again.

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