Phantasm Ravager (2016)
I’ve only seen this twice. I remember feeling depressed after seeing it the first time. This is the finale of ...

Phantasm IV: Oblivion (1998)
They only waited 4 years for the next in the franchise. I expect a lower budget and more desolate scenery. ...

Phantasm III: Lord of the Dead (1994)
6 years later, we get the sequel that Universal didn’t want to bank, but they were okay with distributing it ...

Phantasm II (1988)
Wow, it took 9 long years before we got the sequel. I didn’t see these films until my late teens ...

Phantasm (1979)
Man, this only has a 6.6 and you’re left wondering, were people watching the same movie that I was? Or ...

Halloween Ends (2022)
After Halloween Kills, I must admit that my expectations are quite tempered. I haven't heard a lot of praise for ...

Halloween Kills (2021)
I liked the previous film. It was good enough to get the rest of the trilogy greenlit. I have nothing ...

Texas Chainsaw Massacre (2022)
In the new fad of pretending that sequels never existed so we can create confusing timelines, we get this TCM ...

The Predator (2018)
Just look at this cast and tell me how it can be bad. Thomas Jane (The Punisher, Dreamcatcher, The Mist), ...

Predators (2010)
I think I saw this once and felt underwhelmed. I don't remember it at all. I think I rented it ...

Prey (2022)
I'm not going to do my traditional review. I just wanted to enjoy this. I'm gonna give you some thoughts ...

Poltergeist (2015)
Here's what I know or have heard about this. It is a reboot with entirely differently named characters. Sam Rockwell ...