Film Reviews Horror

Truth or Dare (2018)

SyFy came out with basically this same film 7 months prior.  This has a good budget, good producers…..oh shit,  the producer of Get Out.  We have a case of uh oh.  It can’t be too bad, right?

This film is very similar in premise.  The special effects may look a bit better than the 2017 version.  The story involves a curse basically being passed along to a group of friends on spring break in Mexico.  It’s like It Follows in that regard.  So the mystery here is to learn how to play the game properly and how to undo the curse.  In this one, you can do Truth two times in a row before you have to do a Dare.  The Dares are not nearly as deadly as the 2017 version.  There is also a demon involved.  Too much emotional nonsense and story about secrets and Markie’s dad’s suicide.  The whole Olivia and Markie relationship pissed me off.  I wanted them to both be mute a half hour in.  So irritating.

The deaths are actually tame in comparison.  They seem slightly more realistic.  I will opt for the cool shit over realism in a film with curses and demons, do I really give 2 fucks about realism?  The death that probably irritated me the most Brad Chang’s. Minor spoiler, but he is dared to take his father’s gun, his dad being a police officer, and make him beg for his life.  That was it.  So stupid ass dad can’t follow instructions.  Aren’t you trained to follow instructions when there is a gun pointed at you?  Seriously, how fucking is that?

The final sequence, ugh, so horrible.  And the ending, let’s just say the YouTube part, holy fuck, was that one of the dumbest fucking things I have ever seen.  Why did both movies have to end so idiotic? Another film where I wanted everybody to just die.  Lucas, I wanted to like him, but he was a fucking idiot at the end.  You have to do what you are dared to do, so just fucking do it!  This movie was a financial success, per IMDB.  A 3.5 million dollar budget and has grossed over 85 million.  Fuck me, that means that sequels are coming.  Blumhouse Productions keep turning out successful horror films, so I can’t blame them, despite only liking about half of what they put out there.

Rating: 3.5 – That seems accurate.  There were some things that I did like, but by and large, I really have zero interest in ever seeing this one again.  The story was bland for the most part, the acting was what you’d expect.  I didn’t have fun with this at all.  Not recommended.  Watch the 2017 version on NetFlix and save your money.

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Blumhouse Productions

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