Film Reviews Horror

Rec 4: Apocalypse (2014)

Well, they bring Angela back. Hopefully, they have just wiped away part 3 from memory. Hopefully… We are back at the building. They are looking for Angela. We have a Guzman and a Lucas. These guys are getting taken out by the infected and the explosives are due to explode inĀ  4 minutes….make that 3. […]

Film Reviews Horror

Rec 3: Genesis (2012)

This one takes place miles away from the original apartment. I’m curious to see how it goes. We have a marriage between Koldo and Clara. We see an awful wedding video. Adrian is the camera guy. Atun is a professional videographer. Tita is a girl who is filming, and some chick has something to show, […]

Film Reviews Horror

Rec 2 (2009)

They start right off with footage from the very end of the original, with what’s her tits getting dragged away. We have some heavily armed guys, like military or SWAT, something like that. This takes place directly after the events of part 1. This doctor guy is telling the military guy that it’s OK to […]

Film Reviews Horror

Rec (2007)

Here is the original, before we had Quarantine, we had [Rec]. Well, I am not going to tell you anything mind-blowing. If you have seen Quarantine, you have basically seen this. I’ll take the version that requires no reading. Sorry that I am not more descriptive, but the reality is, Quarantine copied this, and they […]