Film Reviews Horror

28 Days Later (2002)

Would you believe me if I told you that I don’t think I’ve ever fully seen this movie? Yeah, it’s surprising. So for #120, let’s take on one of the modern-day classics and see how I like it, or possibly love it. I think I may hold off on the play by play stuff for […]

Film Reviews Horror

Quarantine (2008)

I don’t understand why I have heard so much negativity around this movie. The original Rec, was a Korean movie perhaps. One of those Asia countries. Anyway, this was a fun, original feeling movie. Yeah, it was does the bouncy handheld camera thing due to the premise, but it works well and isn’t too chaotic […]

Film Reviews Horror

The Crazies (2010)

If you don’t like this movie, I get it, i really really do. But to me, it’s the mid-tier inoffensive horror movie that if you go along for the ride, you can be entertained. Of course, that’s all horror, but some pretentious fucks will try to tell you why Psycho, The Exorcist, and Rosemary’s Baby […]