Film Reviews Horror

Cigarette Burns (2005)

Yes, I am cheating a bit by doing a Masters Of Horror Film as they are only 55-60 minutes long. BUT, this is one of the creepiest things out there this decade. It stars Norman Reedus who obviously is Daryl Dixon in The Walking Dead. Yup, I am watching a movie each of the Dixon […]

Film Reviews Horror

The Mist (2007)

Back to back movies that really make me happy which aren’t tremendously revered by the general population. This movie has a great cast and that keeps the movie constantly going in a good direction. Now granted, the plot is sometimes lame as hell, or slow, but just focus on the awesome amount of great actors […]

Film Reviews Horror

Storm of the Century (1999)

“Born in Sin, come on it. Born in Lust, turn to dust.” – Andre Linoge This character never gets enough credit for being one of King’s best character creations. He’s an awesome bad ass with a cane that I can never find to buy online. Seriously, find me that cane and I will buy it. […]