Kenter At Your Own Risk

Kenter At Your Own Risk Episode 40D – A Nightmare on Elm Street 4: The Dream Master (1988)

Nightmare on Elm Street 4: The Dream Master has been referred to as the most MTV film of the franchise, and you’d be hard-pressed to argue against that. The soundtrack kicks ass, or “slaps” as is the phrase that people use to try to sound cool. Freddy now comes in with several one-liners, more hits than misses. There is a lot of cringe in this though. We also no longer have Patricia Arquette playing the role of Kristen, and that is a palpable loss, even though Tuesday Knight does a solid job as a replacement. One of the bigger disappointments is how quickly our 3 survivors are dismantled, and the way that they get taken out. Joey ends up inside a waterbed mattress. Think about that one!!