9 Deuce Group Film Discussions

9 Deuce Horror Presents: Tales From The Hood (1995)

To celebrate 9 Deuce 2017, I asked the group to watch Tales From The Hood, one of my all time favorites, or possibly guilty pleasures.  I am undecided.  Anyway, we watched and it’s still has it’s moments.  Thank you Teddy, Cece, and Dom for your time.  Please leave us a comment.

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  1.  Tales From the Hood has 4 stories plus the wrap around story with the mortician.  What is your favorite of these stories?

Teddy:  definitely the killer’s “rehabilitation” it’s a story that connects to the much larger story

Cece: I think my favorite is the Cops story. Story 1.

Dom:  Toss up between : Rogue Cop Revelation and Boys Do Get Bruised

Kent:  Boys Do Get Bruised because of David Allen Grier’s performance.


  1.  In “Rogue Cop Revelation”, did Clarence get what he deserved in your opinion?  Did he deserve worse due to his decision to not help or better because he led Strom, Billy, and Newton back to the gravesite?

Teddy:  idk I’m on the fence because he technically did refuse to testify against the other cops, so that sorta makes him complacent and guilty in that sense.

Cece: It’s kind of hard to really say. I mean, he could have definitely done a bit more. Instead he got drunk and just moped around. He could have done a wee bit more to bring the politician to justice.

Dom: He got what he deserved.  He didn’t do anything to stop them and it ultimately led to his own mental break down

Kent:  I say that he may have deserved worse, but having a long life in that mental state is probably worse than I am giving it credit for.  He didn’t do the right thing, and when he tried to finally do it, it was beyond a point of retribution.  He’s the black Theon Greyjoy.


  1.  Aside from Marton Morehouse, who got the worst death in “Rogue Cop Revelation”?

Teddy: The worst deaths were the guy getting pulled into the grave by his dick and the last guy to die imo.

Cece: I’d say Newton for sure. The needles plus being placed into a mural with that face of shock!

Dom: I agree with Teddy.  I  mean getting pulled into the earth by a dead dude grabbing your dick?!?!  And getting killed by hypodermic needles, which btw those always remind me of Shawnee Smith and her scene in Saw 2, I saw yes worse but justly deserved deaths

Kent:  Billy got it the worst.  Note all 3 guys noting the dick grabbing.  That is not a coincidence.


  1.  In “Boys Do Get Bruised”, we see a very different David Alan Grier than what we were used to at the time.David was just wrapping up his great stint on In Living Color, and in this film, he portrayed a horrible person in a very serious role.  Do you think that he did a good job in his role as Carl/The Monster?

Teddy:  absolutely. Without knowing who he was prior you would’ve never guess he was actually a big comedian.

Cece: Yes, I do. I actually did not really grow up seeing him in other things, so, this wasn’t all too shocking for me. But great job.

Dom:  Absolutely.  It’s great to see any actor who is known for a specific genre and  step outside it and be terrific.  He did a great job

Kent:  Yeah, I loved it.  It reminded me of the handful of times that Jim Carrey absolutely nailed a different type of role, like in Man on the Moon.


  1.  At the end of “Boys Do Get Bruised”, we see Walter burn the picture, and therefore he sets the kitchen on fire.  Seriously, how the hell is Walter, Sissy, and Richard supposed to not only explain that fire, but also explain Carl’s disappearance?  Really, that’s not a very happy ending.

Teddy:  I mean they could just chalk it up to “being in the hood” where stuff like that happens a lot

Cece: I mean. He was a fuckin’ demon, dude. Not that anyone would believe them. But hey, it’s true.

Dom: Umm oops?

Kent:  I don’t see a logical out for this one, but as Teddy pointed out, I’m sure cops have dealt with stranger things in the hood.  Wow, did I just make a crossover show/movie?  Stranger Things in the Hood would be amazing.


  1.  In “KKK Comeuppance”, do you feel that the morale message of the story may have been lost due to how silly/cartoony/over the top some of the lines and sequences were?

Teddy:  Not at all. The dolls were still scary af even despite the CGI on the dolls during the movement scenes.

Cece: I don’t think so. I mean, the dolls are terrifying dude. But, this is coming from someone who doesn’t like dolls. Either way, the message was very clear.

Dom:  No, the message was still clear.  Doll animation has always and will always be bad when done in movies.  That was the message right?

Kent:  I’m sorry, but you do lose the message a bit when you give the racist guy all of the comedic lines, although a lot were groan inducing.  I felt very conflicted after seeing it because he was an awful guy but also the most entertaining.


  1.  In ”Hard Core Convert”, we get a Clockwork Orange type of treatment against violence.  The thing is, he dies at the end because he didn’t learn from his mistakes and allowed rage to take over rather than listening to Dr. Cushing’s advice of taking accountability for his actions.  When the doctor is talking to him during the flashing light sequence, was that all in his head or did he have an opportunity to be set free?

Teddy:  I believe the lady was god or an angel sent to give him another chance at life, and he blew it.

Cece: He was definitely given a chance to walk out, being absolved, but, he decided to go against it and keep acting ignorant.

Dom:  He had an opportunity.

Kent:  I think it was all in his head, or in an afterlife type setting.  It also kinda reminded me of A Christmas Carol, or more specifically, Mickey’s Christmas Carol.  Scrooge made good on the opportunity.  


  1.  I think that there are many similarities in this film to other films and TV shows.  Name 3 or less and explain why or how they relate.  Yes, limit yourself to 3.

Teddy:  I’m not a big show buff so I can’t really name any xD

Cece: The only thing I found this really similar to, is Creepshow. The campy filming and the fact that it’s anthology. Not really too sure on any others?

Dom:  Creepshow movies, Tales from the Crypt, Tales From the Darkside, Trick or Treat, Trilogy of Terror,etc….  So many, many more

Kent:  Geez Dom, you left out Creepshow 2 and 3, Asylum, Twilight Zone, Outer Limits, Tales of Halloween, Nightmares and Dreamscapes, Masters of Horror, Fear Itself, and probably another 100 things that I have long since forgotten.  Oh, and Cat’s Eye!  I love that movie!


  1.  I love knowing what people’s favorite lines are in films that have several great one liners.  What is your favorite line from Tales From The Hood?

Teddy:  “I’m gonna piss on his grave”

Cece: Mr. Simms: “Don’t worry. You’ll get the shit. You’ll be knee-deep in the shit. I’ve got it hid. There’s so much… I couldn’t even lift it all myself.”

Dom: “Welcome, to Hell”

Kent:  Nothing can top the knee deep in the shit line.  I have said that to people in various contexts and every once in awhile, somebody recognizes where that line came from.  He delivers that line so fucking great.


Bonus Deuce

  1.  Could Tales From the Hood be a successful film in 2017?  Why or why not?

Teddy:  With the injustices that still exist in this day for PoC I feel this movie is still relevant. I think it would have pretty good success especially since Get Out made bank recently.

Cece: Most definitely! They should do a like Fathom events type thing around Halloween and re-release this to theaters. I’d go!

Dom:  Totally.

Kent:  I don’t think the KKK one could go down today.  With some tweaks though, yes.  The thing is, you can’t be preachy in your message or else you lose a good chunk of your audience, hi Crash.  I would love to see a sequel with new stories, or even a Candyman that touches on this stuff.  Candyman in Detroit would be bad ass.


  1.  What was the silliest thing that happened in this film?

Teddy:  I think it’s a tie between DAG’s death due to being crumbled up, and the Cop’s death by dick grabbing xD

Cece: I think Mr. Simms is. And he’s also my favorite part about it all, too.

Dom: Those damn dolls

Kent:  Mr Simms is, no doubt about it for me.  The puddle of a person that DAG ended up in was also amazing.

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