9 Deuce Group Film Discussions Film Reviews

Bloodwork (2012)

I know that this is about an experimental drug in a facility. Sold.

We have 2 college dudes applying for this experimental RXZ-19, it’s an allergy med.  $225 a day for a 2 week period. I think these guys are Greg and Rob. I like Rob I think. They arrive at the facility, and their phones and booze are confiscated. Our black nurse guides them. Lights out 10 PM. These guys are sharing a room. Here is our Brit, Nigel, and he is quite the boisterous gent who has done this stuff before. In these films, there’s always a guy who has done the experiments. This guy is way too cheery. He gives the boys a tour.

We meet Linnea (brunette), Stacey (blonde bitch), Maggie (older), Hoy (Indian) and Bernard (nerd). Oh, and Binal, he is older and has done time. Hoy is a vegan. I am sure these things may be important. They had pizza at least, shitty looking pizza, but dammit, I want pizza. At night they hear a noise and surmise it to be animals.

Dose One

Aaron, the lab technician, is there for a blood sample. Rob was very scared by this or surprised. Linnea needs help with science, so Greg volunteers Rob to help her, and says that he’s been accepted to MIT. Time to get the meds. There’s Dr. Wilcox (Tricia Helfer). Rob’s arm feels a cold sensation up and down his arm. The bran muffin from earlier is hitting Greg, and there’s a bag in the toilet to collect it, and we had to hear and see it. Aaron asks Greg about his bowel movement. Everybody gets asked, Stacey won’t answer any questions, and some have more fun with it than others.

Rob helped Linnea about their study session, and Greg asks how it went, and some crazy dude (Ira) comes in talking about how “They get in your head” and he is in another study group. When he came in, he knocked the door into Rob’s head, so he is lightly bleeding. The doctors check it. She tells him to make sure not to itch it. Rob has a dream about ripping his skin off with the wound is. He wakes up, and his wound looks good.

Dose Two

Time to test Greg for allergies with all sorts of weird things, bugs, mice, etc. Greg sees something small moving, like a giant white rat. Uh-huh. Greg has a worm in his food, as does Patty, Linnea, and Hoy. They have to all throw away their spaghetti. So is that the control group division? They find a cut-up white rabbit, so there’s that.

Rob admits to Linnea that he doesn’t go to MIT. He goes on about life’s expectations, and he feels free and they make out and she mounts him. And bugs are crawling into the room. She has her shirt off. Must move fast Rob. They look and either don’t see them or they ignore it. Hmmm, interesting. They carry on making out.

Dose Three

It’s blood sample time, and Rob like does the needle for Aaron. Aaron then finds blood on the floor out in the hall. Aaron smells something as does black nurse and they find a dead rabbit and it’s been eaten. Wilcox asks who’s been eating it. Binal starts convulsing and she asks them to hold him down. Nigel gets bit terribly, and it healed on its own within seconds, just like Rob’s wound. They pump his stomach.  Wilcox orders everyone to bed, Greg isn’t happy, but Rob tells him to get his ass to sleep. Greg lays down, but can’t sleep. He sneaks out of his room, follows a guard to the restricted medical facility for the staff only. Smart.

He finds a paper about how some have higher disgust tolerance levels and bacteria. He finds the animal lab.  Wilcox finds him. This is her office. She calls for security. He grabs a scalpel and cuts himself to prove that nothing is going to happen, and of course, he faints. He wakes up and she talks about the liver and how it regenerates. She shows how Greg’s cells don’t look the same as Nigel’s. We see a cat that they have been able to regenerate her from all sorts of bad things. The cat also has tolerance lowered for disgust. The cat had a litter of kittens and ate them all. Greg is none too happy. Greg insists on telling everybody, and she says that everybody already will know. Wilcox tells all of the subjects. Wilcox will offer 8,000 if they stay, but if you leave, you get nothing. You can’t have contact with the outside world. Greg ain’t having it. Everybody had to stay though, so Greg still wants to leave, but now he’s forced to stay, and the phone cord just got ripped off. Oh, and Rob is now switching rooms.

Dose Four

Everybody is mowing down the food like animals, except Greg ain’t eating. Rob and Linnea are making out with food in their mouth. Stacey is tongue fucking her fork, and Huy just stabbed himself in the arm with a fork and instantly healed. He wants to stab Bernard, and everybody is cheering it on, but it’s dose time. Everybody is losing it. Greg looks outside and notices a delivery truck, and that went nowhere…..for now.

At night, Greg is in bed, and in comes Stacey. She gets on top of him and starts making out. She then bites his lip, takes her top off, and there’s our first pair of boobs. She is slapping him, she’s very aggressive, so he gives her the boot. Wilcox is being pressured by her boss, but she needs more time.

Black nurse says to Wilcox that they have never administered more than 5 doses. 5.5 seconds to heal a scalpel cut to the wound, now 3 seconds, then 1 second. This was done to Rob. Wilcox asks Robs if trusts her. She does a vertical slice on his throat, then gives him 2 doses, and he goes from flatlining to healing and being fine. Wellllll shit. He finally wakes up and Wilcox tells him how he should be proud. Rob’s acting weird. He then throws her on the bed to rape her. He tried like hell. Linnea and Stacey looked on and walked away. She eventually got saved by the security guards. The nurse is going to quit, it’s not worth it. She goes to leave and is stopped. Wilcox ups the financial offer. Rob is restrained to the bed. Another injection. Rob is fucked.

Dose Five

Greg is trying to convince black guard that he has some booze. So they start drinking. Well, he hits guard upside the head and steals his keys. Wilcox has the patients go on the look for Greg, she had to offer more drug though, so now everybody is crazed. Greg is out the door, trying to get on the delivery truck, and he catches up, but Nigel makes the tackle. They all pretend to be dancing so the driver just drives by. They bring Greg in and beat on him. There’s a riot, Huy starts some shooting. Linnea gets shot. No exits wounds. Vitals are crashing, time to extract. Trying to make incisions, but he keeps healing too fast to get the bullets out. She dead. Stacey still wants her dose as consolation for Linnea’s death. She has some addicts. Wilcox says share, to just wait till it’s ready. Wilcox asks Patty to get the detox solution as the experiment is nearing it’s close.


Wilcox wants Rob first. Huh, Ernest is the black guard’s name, and Taylor is the white one. The storm knocks out the power, naturally. But at least Greg is locked in his room. All the patients just rose up at the exact same time. They find Ernest in the dark, surrounded him, and probably mauled him. Rob looks rough. Greg is using the wire from a notebook to use as a key.

Time for the next subject. And Stacey lured Taylor to her. They surround him and eat him, so that must have been Ernest’s fate. They do the same to the nurse in the stairwell. They break into Wilcox’s office and start shooting up. This is ridiculous. They are still asking for more. They surround Wilcox, we hear screaming.

Greg finally gets out of his room. He finds Aaron, and he asks how to get out. Nigel scares them. Aaron and Greg make it to Aaron’s vehicle. Nigel gets in and attacks Greg, but they get him out and Aaron is transmitting to the powers that be. Greg asks what’s going to happen to Rob. Aaron says that it will be covered up like it never happened. Greg wants to turn around like a complete idiot. That last-minute brought this down another point.

So Aaron gives Greg his access keys and tells him to be back after so long. He finds a barely alive and bloody and stabbed in the belly Wilcox. She gives him something and tells him to get out and leave. Outside, a group of men in black all show up. There’s Eric Roberts, he’s the big shot. Of course, after Eric gets the info from Aaron is strangled from behind.

Greg finds Binal munching on Taylor. Huy and Bernard appear dead, and there’s Stacey fighting Greg. He kills her via pipe through the chest. Greg finds Rob, and Rob is asking if it’s all real. Nigel is still hunting for drugs. Nigel gets closer, Greg has an axe. Greg doesn’t get him with the axe, and Nigel hosses Greg around, but Rob gets Nigel with the axe and then beheads him.

The men in black are looking, they find Binal and kill him. They are planting explosives. They get out, Greg and Rob are making a run for it. In the typical bullshit manner, the guys are running out as it explodes. Eric Roberts sarcastically says damn the faulty wiring in these old building. Greg and Rob are alive and well.  They finally flag down a car, the arms motion them in. It’s Aaron. They ask him for a blanket, Aaron goes to his trunk, shoots up more of the drug, and gives them the blanket. Greg shows him the flash drive that he got from Wilcox. g them on a detour.

End film

I liked this film, I just don’t know if I will ever watch this one again. It was a little different, and I particularly like test subject/experimental drug horror. Firestarter will always be my favorite, but it’s not just at the hospital, so maybe it doesn’t count. The Facility is possibly a better comparison, with different variations. The characters weren’t developed all that well. I liked Rob way more than Greg. I think that is my big stumbling block, Greg was not a good lead. The ensemble was very good. Greg was pretty damn stupid, and I really couldn’t get behind hardly anybody due to the inability to connect to these people. Still, the concept is there.

Final rating: 4.9 as I don’t foresee myself re-watching this, and if I did, it’d go up to a 5.5-6.0 range.

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