Film Reviews Horror

Brainscan (1994)

A cheesy early 90’s movie starring Edward Furlong.  What’s not to like about that?  This is a movie that I remember the trailers for way back, but I just never got around to it.

The film is a somewhat simple premise.  Michael(Furlong) lives in this big ass house, alone.  I don’t recall what his dad’s deal is, but he isn’t around.  I did miss a bit of the opening of this film.  Anyway, he wants to try out this new interactive video game called Brainscan.  I do know that Michael’s mom died in a car accident which also injured Michale’s leg.  He was a crush on the girl next door named Kimberly.  Michael also has a best friend, Kyle, who is also into horror flicks and video games.  Just like me.

Michael gets the game in the mail.  It gives him a warning that the game feels like hypnosis.  He has to follow the rules of the Trickster, a very eccentric character, to say the very least.  The Trickster tells Michale that he has to go kill some random dude and take his foot as a trophy.  For fans of video games, this actually seems quite reasonable.  Later on, Michael finds out that a man was murdered in real life and missing a foot.  Yeah, you can imagine where this goes from here.

I won’t ruin much more.  The best performer here is the Trickster.  Edward Furlong was what you’d expect.  I’ve read that the director wasn’t a huge fan of working with him.  That stuff happens though, all the time.  The ending is actually pretty good.  Yeah, this is cheesy, but it’s fun too.  This film was ahead of its times in some ways.  A story like this would be so much more believable with virtual reality what it is now.  I know people hate the dreaded term “remake”, but I think it would work well here.  This is very much an early 90’s film through and through.  I don’t know how well received it would be by the younger generation.

Rating: 5.3 It wasn’t the greatest acted, but the story was good.  The story holds so much value to me in these films, and that’s where it succeeded.  I would watch this again.

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