Film Reviews Horror

Emelie (2015)

This movie sounded like it had untapped potential. A babysitter makes kids do terrible things.

So the idea is that this couple, Dan and Joyce, need a replacement babysitter as their usual one, Anna, has other plans that night. So they hire Anna’s friend, Emelie, or at least a girl claiming to be Emelie. We meet the brooding 11 year old, Jacob, the 7 year old Sally, and the lovable 4 year old Christopher.

This is a film that has 2 halves. The first half is a tension filled film. It goes to very uncomfortable lengths at times. Emelie showing Jacob how she inserts her tampon, and him telling his buddy, Howie, that he just saw his first China hole, which was fucking hilarious. There is a lot to like here, and it’s nothing graphic. Had this continued on where she had the kids hurt or maim each other, gone really dark here, this could have been truly great. I know that sounds awful, BUT hear me out. We always see films where they are too afraid to “go there” with children as far as the harsh stuff goes. It would be something unique. I like to watch fucked up movies, so there’s that.

The latter half returns to a normal thriller that rarely pays off. Emelie isn’t who she claims she is, Anna visits, and a kidnapping takes place. There’s nothing wrong with those choices because there are films like this that are quite successful. The wrong was that this movie gave me blue balls in a sense that it went one way so well, and then the latter half, it rolled over on it’s side with a headache and told me to finish myself off.

The acting was pretty damn good I think. Christopher was an adorable kid, really funny. Sally and Jacob both did great jobs, which is nice, because kid acting can often be terrible to mediocre. I enjoyed it.

Rating – 5.1 as I may re-watch it again, and so I am going with a cautious re-watching rating.

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