Film Reviews Horror

Halloween H20: 20 Years Later (1998)

Could it be? The last legit Halloween movie in the original franchise? Bout fucking time. All these reviews may have made me come off bitter to longer running franchises. Here’s what I have learned though. If the original was so good that you keep coming back no matter how shitty the sequels are, but you keep hanging on and sometimes find a gem or 2 in the mess of sequels, and you look back and still say you’re a fan of the franchise, THAT’s what counts. There is no such thing as a perfect franchise. Pound for pound, I would say that SAW rating wise tops it for me personally, but I will always say I am a Nightmare on Elm Street guy first and foremost because of all the years of memories that I just haven’t accumulated with Saw yet. In a weird way, here’s the thing with Halloween, Friday the 13th, Child’s Play, Phantasm, Evil Dead, Scream, Alien, Final Destination, Sleepaway Camp, and whatever other franchises I have forgotten, when you pick apart movie by movie, they don’t always seem great, but the experience and memories formed from the franchises, that’s what keeps us coming back. I have no idea why I went on this tangent, but I did.

Back to the movie. Here is where the franchise just says fuck what you know, we’re re-writing history. This movie is a direct sequel to part 2. In this, parts 4,5,6 never happened. At least that is the best I can ascertain. Jamie Lee Curtis is back. She has a son, who is played by young Josh Hartnett. Joseph Gordon Levitt is in this as well. Of course LL Cool J is here for getting the black audience. Even Michelle Williams is in this. Good stuff. So Jamie Lee has changed her name, trying to get away from her past, but Michael ain’t playing that shit. Michael found paperwork to track down his sister and is hunting her and her son down.

This movie got a lot of acclaim, and I think it is only because Jamie Lee is back. The movie is ok, but mediocre is a better term. For all the good actors, and a story trying to bring back the old audience, it was just going through the motions. Yes, Jamie Lee does decapitate Michael at the end…..or does she. Obvious Ressurection explains stupidly otherwise.

Anyway, I am done with this franchise, at least writing about it. I give this a 5.5.

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