Film Reviews Horror

Lake Mungo (2008)

This won’t be a long review.  This film has been highly regarded in the horror community.  It’s an Australian found footage/ documentary type film, but a little different.

The premise is simple.  It’s set up as a news feature of sorts, detailing the family’s grief over the death of 16-year-old Alice Palmer.  We meet her parents, Russell and June, as well as her brother Mathew.  There is lots of footage where it looks like Alice is in these pictures or videos and the delve deeper into it.  We also find out that she was having sex with an older couple that she babysat for, Georgie and Leith Ritter.  There is also a psychic.  It’s basically a mystery style film where Alice is trying to help her family learn about who she was as a person and what she was dealing with prior to her death.

That’s the gist of it.  I truly don’t get all of the hype behind it.  It was fine for a low budget film, but I think it is quite disappointing by the end.  Some will love it, but it wasn’t for me.  The acting was fine.  My gripe is strictly with the narrative.

Rating: 4.5 There is stuff here to like, but I only watched this a second time for review purposes.  I was soooo bored during the second viewing.  Not for me.

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