Film Reviews Horror

Malevolent (2018)

You know how some people think that Ghost Hunter type shows are just silly and beyond fake? I’m one of those people.  Well here we Jackson and Angela, who are brother and sister, and they do this fraudulently do this and make good money off of it.

The plot is simple.  Jackson is an idiot with money, and he owes somebody some money, and they will kill him if he doesn’t get it.  His girlfriend, Beth, almost leaves him, but he convinces her to stay.  Then there is Elliot the cameraman, who also needs the cash.  They end up taking this gig in a supposedly haunted house where some messed up stuff happened to some little girls.  It was all going to plan until Angela actually starts seeing things.  At this point, the ghosts guide the group to find out the real truth.

We have seen films like this.  The only difference is that they use the basis of a fake ghost practice.  With that being said, this is really well done.  I thought Florence Pugh, Ben Lloyd-Hughes, and Celia Imrie were terrific in this.  I love a good ghost story when it works.  I expected this to be way worse, so I started writing up blogs that I was behind on.  Nope, this one pulled me in.  It’s on NetFlix now.

Rating: 6.2 – I really enjoyed it and I can safely recommend this to fans of ghosts and haunted house environments.

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