Film Reviews Horror

Poltergeist II: The Other Side (1986)

I don’t remember if I have ever seen it. I think I did once. I once had one of those DVD mailer things, I had 6 DVDs out at once. I blew through so many movies that calendar year. It was glorious. But my memory is trash. I don’t feel excited about this one. I feel that there’s a reason why most people don’t bring up the Poltergeist sequels.

Brian Gibson is the director, and aside from this film and being a producer for Frida, being the director for some Styx music videos are his other big things. So I am unsure of what to expect. The core cast returns from Poltergeist, except for Dana because she was murdered by her boyfriend in real life, wow. That is sad. Zelda also returns as Tangina. On that somber note, let’s see what the Freeling Family is up to this time. I don’t expect great notes here, but if something of interest occurs, then sure. or if the movie gets me hooked.

Start Film

We have Native Americans outside by a fire that is turning a blue color and there is a spirit. Is it The Beast? I have no idea. This spirit enters the non-singing gentleman. There’s already a very different tone and approach to this. It doesn’t look like Tobe’s work or Spielberg’s. No light-hearted music or shenanigans. We see the old neighborhood, lots of houses for sale, and damaged property. Also, we get flashbacks from the original film. I am curious how long after the original that this takes place.

Taylor is the Native American driving and he meets with Tangina in the old neighborhood. They have been excavating and looking for something. We see many skeletons underground. Taylor wants to know where the family is now. They are living with Diane’s mom, Jess. Steven is growing his hair a bit longer and thinning more on top. Nice.

Robbie wants to get a TV and dad says now. “Great, I’ll just have to grow up retarded.” Damn, Robbie, that’s a bit harsh. Steven is going to be a vacuum salesman now. Touche, salesman.

Carol is drawing some dude in a hat and Grandma tells her that she had a gift of knowing things. The insurance company is denying the family’s claim due to the house vanished. Hahaha.

At some outdoor shopping plaza, Carol sees a ghostly man. Reading the cast list, this is Rev. Henry Kane, and he has a Burgess Meredith-type voice. Wait, Diane can see this guy? Can Robbie? We know that Jess has some abilities. Does Diane also have these abilities? Diane doesn’t really want to explore these abilities with Carol and Jess says “I’ll be there if ya need me.”

At night, Carol gets a phone call on her toy phone. It is Jess calling her. Is Jess dead? Yup, she is dead.

There is a nasty, mysterious cloud forming over the house at night. Oh, it’s just a nightmare with skeletons pulling Diane underground. That cloud still exists in reality. It is another lightning storm, as we’re used to. The water drips inside causing that phone to ring again. She gets a call from a guy who wants the angel. Toys are coming to life. Robbie is trying to help his sister. There are spirits in the bedroom. The kids are safe for now. The family goes to leave and open the door and there is Taylor, scaring them. He tells them that Tangina sent him. He says no sense in running, better to stay here. Dude, you don’t disregard a short psychic lady and a Native American.

They go to a diner and they ask Steven if they’re gonna have to move again. Carol asks about moving to Disney World and Robbie shuts that down. So her next suggestion is Dunkin Donuts. That is fantastic. There are 2 ladies in the diner talking about some guy. The one lady is a bit of a loudmouth. She sees Steven and Diane and drops her cup and suddenly has a different voice, yes, it’s Jess’ voice. She told them that they can’t keep running. Taylor shows up there and says that the lady was right. Steven is very outraged. Diane is being reasonable and trying to get answers about why Taylor is here. Carol quickly makes friends with Taylor.

How did they ever come up with the name E Buzz for the dog? What kind of name is that?

Diane calls Tangina, and Tangina approves of Taylor. Taylor has made petals float around him. That’s all they needed to trust him. They are really trying hard to get Taylor over with the audience. Carol sees Kane, but can Robbie? Okay, everyone can see him. Carol doesn’t trust this man. The family goes inside and Kane says the problem is Taylor. Kane tells Steven that Taylor is a charlatan and dangerous. Diane has a vision about Diane with some creepy shit, like a cult. Kane is getting into Steven’s mind and thoughts. Kane keeps asking to be let in, like 8 times. Carol interrupts, and Kane tells them that they’re all gonna die in there. The angel prevented whatever. He walks away, then he disappears and the rain stops. That was a fun scene. Taylor tells Steven that he did well. Now they must prepare.

Taylor tells Steven that he needs to stop feeling bad for himself. Robbie has some creepy beings in his mirror. Is Robbie gonna attempt to shave? Some weird stuff in the bathroom and his teeth braces come alive. Steven’s arm is covered by metal, and Robbie is up on the ceiling. Taylor refused to help because the spirits want Carol. The spirit of Kane talks and says that they cannot keep Carol and that he isn’t dead. Okay, the brace seen was kind of cool, almost like A Nightmare of Elm Street in a dream, or something out of Phantasm.

Kane basically refuses to see and enter the light. How can you possibly live a normal life with that shit happening? Steven and Taylor go somewhere. There is a knocking at the door, but Diane doesn’t see anyone. Please be Tangina. Yay!!!

Under their old house, there was a tomb with many dead bodies. They were believed to be massacred by Native Americans. Taylor is trying to show Steven some spiritual stuff and now Taylor gives Steven the smoke. Tangina has pictures, and one is of Kane. She needs to know how Diane feels. Tangina reveals that Jess, Diane, and Carol are all clairvoyant. She sees how this group of followers go into an underground cave and cover the hole as it was an apocalyptic group fearing the end. Steve has to confront Kane on his own turf. Taylor says that he’s done all that he can and leaves.

The family is unhappy that Taylor is gone and everyone is on edge. Steven really likes the Tequila in this movie. The doll’s eyes open. Diane, Carol, and Carol’s doll are all bathing together. Carol says the spirits are here because they don’t know where else to go. About 25 spirits are approaching and Steven drinks the worm. The worm was possessed though, naturally. And now Kane is possessing Steven as he sings horribly.

Steven tries to get handsy with Diane, and she is calling him drunk. Finally, Steven references a past memory. He also says that Diane never even wanted Carol. This is oddly entertaining. Diane is defeating Kane with love.

Steven pukes up this huge creature. That was fun. Is that supposed to be Kane without arms, legs, and skin? It was interesting. Oh, and now it drops from the ceiling and it is pissed. The kids call for help and the Beast attacks Steven. This is so ’80s. Steven unleashes the smoke and that sent the creature away. But we still got about 10 minutes, so it can’t be finished quite yet.

Now Steven and Diane split up to look for the kids. Good idea!!! You can cover more ground. This is a really nice house. Diane is attacked by dead bodies, or vacuum cleaner hoses. She finds Robbie. Carol is locked in the car. An electric wire attacks Steven. The family gets in the car, and Steven gets in. Now we get this epic music. E Buzz fights the wire. Oh, this is so silly. Chains attach to the car, and a chainsaw is floating and attacks the car. They finally rip off the bumper as the chainsaw was cutting itself in. I think they need a new car. Time to head back to their original home as a family, together.

They get back to the big hole and Tangina happens to be there. This is really cheesy. They see the bodies. Diane and Carol just got spiritually abducted….I don’t know what you would call that. Lots of lanterns. Is Bray Wyatt here? Taylor also happens to be there too. The light of the family can defeat Kane. Steven and Robbie enter the flames to the world beyond. They find the girls in 3 seconds and reunite. The Beast separates them. Taylor gives Steven a lance to save Carol. Taylor admits defeat. The family is still floating around and there’s Carol and Jess. The family return to the real world. Wait, why wasn’t the dog with them in the other world? The car is happy now that Steven gave it to Taylor.

End Film

Oh, this film didn’t do it for me. It wasn’t bad, just to be clear. But it wasn’t good. I guess this is an okay attempt at a sequel, but I feel that they could have handled this story differently. Kane’s story was quite interesting and he should have been explained better. I’ll take that one step further and suggest many aspects should have been done a bit differently.

This film did look very good, and the special effects were good. I think I prefer the stuff in the original, but the spirits were really well done here.

At times, this movie felt like it was going through the motions, and I can’t pinpoint my exact gripe. They really did try something different. Perhaps it wasn’t for me. Taylor was a fun addition to the cast.

Perhaps my issue is with Kane. He wasn’t a strong antagonist. He’s just an old cult leader who got people killed and is an evil spirit. Is he that threatening? I don’t know. Will I even remember him a month from now? Probably not. That sums up my issue. Nothing about this was very memorable. It existed, it was fine, but not memorable. Nothing too great, nothing outlandishly bad. It just exists.

One last complaint. Did they basically undo the original’s ending and add a really stupid story to it? I think so. I don’t appreciate that.

Final Rating: 5.0 – I don’t think I’ll be watching this one again.

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