Film Reviews Horror

Population 436 (2006)

Guilty pleasure alert.  This is the type of film I could watch over and over.  Before I get talking about the film, you should know it stars Jeremy Sisto and Fred Durst of Limp Bizkit fame.  I have never been a fan of Fred’s, but I must admit, he was a good actor in this.

So if you have ever seen The Wicker Man (the good one) or something like The Lotter or even The Stepford Wives, you know that you are dealing a unique community with their own rules.  In this one, Jeremy Sisto is a census-taker and he is tasked with going to Rockwell Falls.  Somehow, that town always manages to have a population of, you guessed it, 436.

Everybody in town is super nice, but also weird.  It sets the stage for the reveal of the secret and then the attempted escape.  There was a Twilight Zone similar to this too.  Hell, if this was about a black town, it would probably win an Oscar for being original and new.  Looking at you Get Out with your old ass story.

Some of the cinematography at the end, like they missed some shots and had to refilm and had overexposed lighting it looks like.  There are 2-3 scenes that just look terrible and I would have probably just left them out because they really stick out like a sore thumb.  The acting here wasn’t bad, but this wasn’t Sisto’s best performance, and I am a huge fan of his work usually.  This will feel new to a few of you out there, but most of you will have a good understanding of where this is going.  I was a fan.  It’s on Amazon Prime right now.  Not sure for how long, so if this interests you, watch it before it’s gone.

Rating: 5.6 – It’s not great or Earth shattering and some people may dislike it, but I really had fun and will rewatch it down the line.   I did like “the fever”.  Still, the ending was incredibly silly.

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