Film Reviews Horror

The Ritual (2017)

Chris chose this for the 9 Deuce Horror Group for October 2018.  Him and I go in depth and analyze this very fun NetFlix film.


  1.  Why was Luke the one who was marked?


Chris: Guilt and Fear. He felt guilty that his fear kept him from helping Rob made him susceptible to the creature.

Kent:  Guilt was the first thing that made sense to me based on how often he replays that night’s incidents.  Could it be though that he was afraid to die? That would make sense for this entity to be attracted to him.


  1.  Given the circumstances in the liquor store at the beginning of the film, if you put yourself in Luke’s position, what would you honestly do?


Chris: I would like to pretend that I am Billy Bad Ass (and I pretty much am). But if I was Luke, at the very least I wouldn’t have made a bunch of noise by banging into the sparkling white wine rack to get my best bud beaten to death. It would have been possible to fight off 2 guys with a bat and a knife especially with 3 more friends outside. It might have been different if one of the thugs had a gun.

Kent:  I’d probably have just gotten my ass kicked too, but no way in hell am I hiding from those two clowns.  As Chris said, if they had a gun, it’s a different thing, but I am a large man. Hiding is not my strong suit.  After dealing with tougher and stronger guys in my life, I’m not as worried. Plus, you have friends nearby. And in a 2 on 2 NBA Jam situation, I love my odds. Boomshakalaka!


  1.  When the guys found the abandoned place, they all had a very bad night.  Phil was found nude and praying upstairs. Do you think he was moved by anyone, or was it something in his dream, or just the power of the Jotunn?


Chris: Since I am not quite sure of what you are asking here (physically moved by one of his friends?), I think it was more along the lines of a malevolent demi-god/demon’s supernatural force affecting each friend in a different way.

Kent:  I think it is entirely reasonable to think that some of the people could have entered the place and moved the guys, as that was my original suspicion the first time I saw it.  Now I think it was all just a big mindfuck.


  1.  Speaking of dreams, Luke had many scenes where it was half real and half in the liquor store flashback.  Was it his own mind haunting him, or once again, the power of the Jotunn?


Chris: Both. His guilt was subconsciously affecting him by causing him to see what wasn’t there, early on. Later on, the Jotunn’s influence caused the hallucinations, but they were flavored by Luke’s emotions.

Kent:  I still don’t know.  I thought it was like some PTSD initially, but the second time I saw things differently.  I felt that the Jotunn was potentially in control all of that time.


  1.  Why did the one girl tell Luke so much and then basically sacrifice herself?


Chris: Basically look at the other dude’s and then Luke. Who would you want to bang more, Kent? (Kent:  I don’t get asked this question nearly enough as I should.  I’m thinking Hutch.) As for sacrificing herself, I think it was less of a sacrifice, and more that she was the newest convert and the bottom of the totem pole, so she was screwed either way.

Kent:  I got the impression that she has been around this for a while and didn’t necessarily like the group’s direction, and maybe she had some guilt.  This film has so much guilt involved, so why not say it was guilt?


  1.  At what point were the guys truly screwed on their trip?


Chris: When they passed the elk in the tree. It was a territory marking.

Kent:  Dom’s injury because that caused stress and poor decision making moving forward.  Everybody has been in a group setting where something stressful happens and you see the group delve into poor decisions.


  1.  Those people that Luke burned, they were old as Hell.  What’s the point in living that long from their perspective, do you think?  Was it fear, or that they were serving their God?


Chris: What choice did they have? Die or live to be mummies feeding the Jotunn? Basically to sit around or hang around forever

Kent:  I would say it was fear, but man, what kind of existence is that?  At some point or another, I’d think you’d want to tap out on life.


  1.  What was the dumbest moment for you in the film?


Chris: Dumbest decision: leaving all their shit behind to go chase something huge that just stole their buddy Hutch. Second Dumbest: leaving your injured friends when you are being hunted to go look over a ridge, long enough that the sun goes down, and then not being able to find them again.

Kent:  Going hiking.  We all know I am lazy as hell.  Chris really took both of the good and legit answers.  You just don’t’ leave your only means of survival like they did.  Yes, I got mad at the TV.


  1.  What the hell was that about at the end?  Why was Luke allowed to walk away?


Chris: He finally overcame his fear and guilt. If the Jotunn had pushed it and continued to chase him and hadn’t killed him, it might have pushed him over the edge to get revenge. As it is now, who would believe him about what happened? I see him going through an investigation and then heading home. Push him too much further and maybe he makes it his mission to fuck with it. Also, he made it out of its territory and by no longer being afraid he was no longer worthy of worshipping it.

Kent:  I am thinking that realistically, it was about territory.  I’m sure there are arguments to be made for Luke solving some of his issues and confronting the fears and overcoming obstacles.  I think I like the simple territory explanation. Sometimes simple is effective.


Bonus Deuce


  1.  This had a unique creature design? What other movies would you compare to this in regards to the originality of their creatures?


Chris: off the top of my head, I thought the Host had a pretty unique creature. The Relic too, from back in the day. And also probably Q from the ‘70’s, not many horror movies explore Aztec/Mayan mythology.

Kent:  For unique, I gotta go with John Carpenter’s The Thing.  Some of those designs were incredible.


  1.  Scandinavia seems under-represented in the horror department? Why do you think that is?


Chris: We seem to basically just associate Vikings with Scandinavia, but over the years this seems to be getting better. Trollhunter, Let the Right One In (I believe the original is just Let Me In), Sint and a couple of others seem to be crossing over. I think people forget how dark Scandinavian mythology and legend can be.

Kent:  Aside from the ones Chris mentioned, Dead Snow 1 & 2, as well as Antichrist, are Scandinavian.  Yes, I had to look at lists to find movies that I have seen. Troll Hunter is so fucking good.


Final Thoughts


Chris: I really liked it. It takes a simple premise, adds some decent to good acting, amazing cinematography, and one of the most creative creature designs I have seen. Also, American movies, including horror films, rarely ever target Scandinavia, so bonus for that.

Kent:  This is one of the few NetFlix Horror films that felt like it hit the mark for me.  

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