Film Reviews Horror

House Of Wax (2005)

Guilty pleasure film alert.  This film took a lot of shit from critics and moviegoers alike.  Yes, Paris Hilton is in it.  Like that fucking ruins a film.  She’s attractive, try telling me that you wouldn’t hit that and I would call you a liar.  Secondly, she’s not the star, and plenty of less talented […]

Film Reviews Horror

Home Movie (2008)

I do not recall how I came about this film, but it is a found footage film that supposedly takes place in upstate NY. That is the only reason I’m watching, but it did have an adequate rating. So let’s get down to our cast of characters. We have the Poe family. David is a […]

9 Deuce Group Film Discussions

9 Deuce Horror Presents: The Shining (1980)

Welcome everybody to a new edition to the 9 Deuce family.  We are going to be tackling films monthly, possibly twice a month.  I want to thank Kristi for coming up with this wonderful idea.  I have a great group of people here to discuss the 1980 Stanley Kubrick classic, The Shining.  Since Jack just […]