Film Reviews Horror

Unsane (2018)

I thought that this was going to be a really good film.  I like Steven Soderbergh.  I like a few members of the cast.  The story intrigued me most.  Was she going to be crazy or was she going to be right?  That’s the question in your mind as you start this film.

Here’s the basic premise of this absolutely absurdly foolish film.  Sawyer left Boston because she was being stalked by David.  She talks to a therapist.  The therapist asks her if she ever gets depressed or suicidal and Sawyer admits to having felt that way in the past.  Sawyer thinks that she is signing up for a follow-up appointment, but instead, she gets tricked into committing herself to the hospital.  I should have just stopped at this point.  We meet the crazy characters, and then Sawyer claims that the man giving out the pills is David, despite everybody knowing him as George.  It then goes on and on and on and on with so many sill twists and turns.

Here’s the thing, this shit wouldn’t happen like this.  This film would absolutely scare someone who didn’t know any better, from going and seeking help from a therapist.  That fucking sucks!  Seriously, if you need help, don’t let this piece of shit film deter you.

My biggest gripe is that Sawyer is from Boston and recently moved to Chicago, I think.  Her British accent slips through numerous times during filming, like painfully so.  So why wouldn’t you re-film it?  Secondly, and even more grating, is that she doesn’t have a Boston accent.  You don’t just lose that stupid accent THAT quickly.  Nobody had the Boston accent that should have.  Was anybody else wondering this?  Boston has a notorious accent!  Fuck man.

The whole thing is so preposterous.  Then at one point toward the end, she attacks someone and then runs to this place only for ____ to magically show up despite being critically wounded.  Also, why can’t they just ensure that the person is dead while you have the upper hand?  This was hard to watch.  I do not recommend this.  Joshua Stewart is the main co-star, and he was Josh in The Blair Witch Project.  He does well in this.  Jay Pharoah surprised me with how good he was.  Everybody else just kinda existed.  Maybe props to Juno Temple.

Rating: 2.9 – The plot initially intrigued me and by the time I was at the point of no return, I continued watching to insult the movie rather than enjoy it.  I cannot recommend this to anybody under any circumstances.

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