Film Reviews Horror

Zombieland (2009)

Here’s a fun zombie film.  Shaun of the Dead gets all of the love, but Zombieland is a worthy challenger to the crown of best zombie comedy.  Also, Return of the Living Dead has to be mentioned too.

By now, you probably know the story.  You have 4 main characters: Columbus (Jesse Eisenberg), Tallahassee (Woody Harrelson), Witchita (Emma Stone), and Little Rock (Abigail Breslin.  This film is initially more of a buddy film with Columbus and Tallahassee, which is probably the best stuff in the film.  I loved the rules.  Seriously, I always preach the double tap in horror films.  It drives me nuts.  Spend the extra bullet for peace of mind!  Eventually, they meet up with Witchita and Little Rock, who are grifters basically.  Colombus and Tallahassee continually get screwed over by the girls, but Columbus gets feelings for Witchita, which constantly clouds his judgment.  In the end, everybody is pretty much happy, except for Bill Murray.

As I said, my favorite parts are the interactions between Jesse and Woody.  I know that a lot of people don’t like Jesse or Michael Sera, and I actually like them both.  To each their own.  Woody is consistently great at everything he does and NEVER gets the acknowledgment that he deserved as an all-time great.  Go ahead, try naming 10 actors with bigger and better resumes.  The rules were a big part of this, and I feel that they learned from Fight Club how a simple gimmick can help a film be very memorable.  Woody’s quest for a Twinkie was also fantastic.  I prefer Snow Balls myself, but I like coconut.  I love every aspect of them.  I have never liked Twinkies.  Which by the way, just because someone is fat, this generalization of “Go eat another twinkie” is fucking offensive.  Maybe I don’t want a twinkie.  Oreos are far worse for you because you don’t ever just have one Oreo.  Just saying, enough with the twinkie shit.  Most of my fat friends don’t even like them, so it’s a poor stereotype.  Up you name calling game thin people.

I have heard that we may eventually get a sequel, but I feel like it’s too late to do it.  I’m not sure what would be funny about the apocalypse 10 years later.  I think that there was a finite window to do a sequel, within 3 years.  Beyond that, it’s just not worth it.  And this film is strong enough to stand on its own.  Sequels, especially to comedies, rarely hit the mark.

Rating: 7.1 – I enjoyed this film in the theater.  I enjoyed it on blu ray.  I have seen this four or five times now.  It has good replay value when you want something lighthearted.  There are no real negatives that kill the film for me.

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