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Haunted Archives - 9 Deuce
Film Reviews Horror

Poltergeist (2015)

Here’s what I know or have heard about this. It is a reboot with entirely differently named characters. Sam Rockwell is in it and I love him in everything I have seen him in. I have heard that there are a lot of unnecessary jump scares, which I hate. And this has a 4.9 on […]

Film Reviews Horror

Friend Request (2016)

I went in this expecting an absolutely terrible film for me to rip apart.  I really like Alycia Debnam-Carey though and wanted to give her a chance.  I hate social media, and you know that you’re dealing with dumbass college kids whose lives revolve around it.  This wasn’t great, but it wasn’t terrible either.  Let’s […]

9 Deuce Group Film Discussions

9 Deuce Horror Presents Housebound (2014) and Honeymoon (2014) with a dash of Dead Silence (2007)

The 9 Deuce Horror Group is back to discuss 2 horror flicks from 2014 that are currently on NetFlix: Housebound and Honeymoon.  Chris, Kristi, Dom, and Kent are back to discuss the films and give their insight.  It appears that Housebound was the clear cut favorite, but both had their merits.  You should absolutely give […]

Film Reviews Horror

Paranormal Activity: The Marked Ones (2014)

Finally, the end of the road of this awful journey, until next March. This time it’s an all Latin cast apparent, in Cali somewhere. I don’t care. I just want this done and over with. I am over a fifth through, we have seen 2 named women, but only pair of breasts, one vulva, one […]

Film Reviews Horror

Paranormal Activity 4 (2012)

Finally….we’ve reached the end of this awful franchise. I can’t wait to be done. We see events from the end of part 2 in the beginning with Katie and Hunter. Now we are in Nevada, no longer in Carlsbad, CA. So we have a new family. A mom (Holly), dad (Doug), teenage blond (Alex), and […]

Film Reviews Horror

Paranormal Activity 2 (2010)

This will be a long ass day. I got some orange juice now, my stomach feels awful. I’m yawning, and I gotta watch more of this crap. Oh yay! So the first screen says “Paramount Pictures would like to thank the families of the deceased and the Carlsbad plice department.” Seriously? This time they are […]

Film Reviews Horror

Paranormal Activity (2007)

You know what’s great about Paranormal Activity? Usually I would laugh and say nothing, but that’s not true at all. The beauty is that you can technically see all the film in less than 15 minutes. Seriously, these movies are complete garbage juice and actually only get interesting later on in the franchise when they […]

Film Reviews Horror

100 Feet (2008)

I picked this movie up at Hollywood Video when they were good out of business on a whim. I feel it was worth it. I can’t imagine many of you have seen this, so allow me to provide you with some insight. This movie stars Famke Janssen of XMen fame (She was Jean Grey). That’s […]

Film Reviews Horror

The Amityville Horror (1979)

One blog away from me going off on a mother fucking tangent. But let’s give this movie its fair and due diligence. By today’s standards, most people aren’t gonna find it that good I’m afraid. Hell the remake was a valiant effort I must admit with Ryan Reynolds. Here’s the reason I write about this […]