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Tomb of Annihilation (TFTPB) - Chapter Fifteen - 9 Deuce
Tales From The Plunderbund Consortium

Tomb of Annihilation (TFTPB) – Chapter Fifteen

This week, if you are a fan of Ninja Warrior TV shows, you may feel at home reading this week’s chapter.  My name is Kent, and I am your terrible host who posts YouTube videos, while Eric is the man who actually does the writing.  One of us is slightly more important to the cause than the other.  You make the decision.  This week, there is also a gargoyle, so that is what I am basing this week’s video on.  I’m slacking this week.  Also, Eric missed an opportunity for cross-promoting 9 Deuce.  Let’s see if you can find the missed opportunity!!! Fan interaction!  I saw the term Yan-ti, this week,  and thought we were going to have a Laur-ti and I was going to throw my laptop across the damn room.

Okay, you know the obvious video, but you should read the blog first.  This song’s pinnacle for me came around the 1:48 mark.


Tomb of Annihilation

Chapter 15 – Amu, Emu, Imu, Omu, Umu, and Sometimes Ymu


Having returned the city of Sithmorkane to the drow, who were slightly less likely to raid the surface world than the fire giants, the party said their goodbyes and took a tunnel that they were informed would lead to the surface world.  After about half a day’s journey, they found a secret exit that led to a cave in the Chultien jungle. As they exited, they scared the bejesus out of a haggard looking half-elf who thought the cave was empty.

Cautiously introducing themselves, the party learned that the half-elven gentleman was named Rix, and that he was a bounty hunter who had been paid to kill a yan-ti (snake man) named Ras-ne in the nearby ruins of a city.  Unfortunately, Ras-ne’s underlings were waiting for him and he was nearly killed trying to escape.

As Rix bandaged his wounds, the party told the tale of their exploits, to include the fact that they were currently looking for either the lost city of Omu or the Temple of the Nine Gods.  Based on their descriptions, Rix suggested that the nearby city ruins may, in fact, be Omu. Xilix sent a message to Arty updating the situation and they headed out.

Reaching the gates of the crumbling city, Hertz noticed a stone gargoyle perched atop a watch tower.  In an abundance of caution, he hit the gargoyle with a Sacred Flame spell.  The “statute” screamed in pain and flew into the city.  After congratulating himself on a job well done, Hertz and the party entered the city through the open gate.

Seeing the entrance to the nearby guard tower, the party decided to make sure no guards were on duty.  Entering, they found that the guard tower had been used as a make-shift camp for what appeared to be multiple prior adventuring groups.  On one of the nearby walls, numerous messages in a variety of handwriting styles were painted, written, and chiseled into the stone. After studying the messages for a while, the party pieced together that there are one or more puzzle cubes hidden throughout the city that likely are used to open the Tomb of the Nine Gods.  In order to obtain these puzzle cubes, they would likely have to face a series of challenges sponsored by one or more of the gods of this city.

As the party was preparing to look for the puzzle cubes, they heard the sound of a wandering yan-ti guard party.  It turned out to be the same party that had nearly killed Rix. This time, with new allies at his side, Rix and the others were easily able to kill most of the snake men.  However, Compassion had Ducky sit on one of the yan-ti to restrain him

After securing the yan-ti in manacles, Compassion “took a walk” while Padre began questioning the snake man using “enhanced redemption” techniques.  Five minutes of painful hisses later, the yan-ti was willing to talk. He explained that the party was, in fact, in the city of Omu, and that the yan-ti were also searching for the puzzle cubes.  Further, he revealed that their leader, Ras-ne, was held up in the gated castle in the eastern section of the city. Determining that the snake man had no other relevant information to give, Padre prepared to send his soul to be redeemed in the heavens.  However, prior to striking the “redemptive” blow, the yan-ti slithered out of his chains and escaped into the city, presumably to warn Ras-ne of their presence.

Beginning their search of the city, the group soon came across a smoldering pile of dead wizards.  As the wizards were all dressed in red robes, they presumed that these were the red wizards of Thay their patron had told them to seek.  Near the body was a giant spear decorated with skulls and other evil accessories. As they added the weapon to their ever-growing pile’o’loot, they saw movement within the pile of dead bodies.  Seeing a hand poke through, Tempest grabbed the arm and pulled out an elderly gentleman.

The ash covered man introduced himself as Orvez, who explained that he had been acting as the guide and translator for the deceased red wizard party.  As his services were no longer needed by the wizards, he offered to accompany the party to help them with their investigations. With no party members being able to speak “Ancient Omu,” the party gladly accepted his services.  As they traveled and engaged in small talk, Orvez revealed his belief that their wizard leader, Zevmira, may still be alive.

With their new guide/translator in tow, the party continued searching Omu for clues.  Eventually the party came upon a pool with water so dark they could not see the bottom.  On the other side of the pool was a sculpture of a stone frog. Before the party could investigate, Hertz’s keen senses picked up upon the fact that they were being watched by eye-tendrils sticking out from the water.  Not wanting to mess around, Hertz called upon Talos to form a storm cloud, and Hertz called down a bolt of lighting to strike the pool.

Crying in pain, a behemoth-sized frog, a Froghemoth if you would, emerged from the pool.  Angry at Hertz for striking it with a bolt of lightning, the frog opened its mouth, hit Hertz with its super-sized tongue, pulled Hertz into its mouth, and swallowed him.  Panicked, the party began attacking the Froghemoth with arrows and spells. Compassion, not wanting the cleric to get digested, ran over and used his demon-strength to grab the Froghemoth by the mouth and pry its jaws open.  Seeing a light at the end of the gullet, Hertz slithered his way out of the frog’s mouth and into the light of day.

Sensing an opportunity, Padre climbed on the Froghemoth’s back as Rix shot an arrow in its eye.  Padre raised his sword to the heavens, called upon the power of his lesser, non-Talos, god to charge the sword with radiant energy, and then he stabbed the empowered sword deep into the Froghemoth’s back.  Enraged, the frog sent its super tongue to its back and successfully swallowed Padre. As he was being pulled into the mouth, Padre screamed, “Hertz you know what to do.”

Now inside the frog, Padre took his sword and shoved the blade through the hole he had made in its back.  Seeing the metal sword sticking out, Hertz called down a bolt of lighting to strike the metal blade. The resulting magical explosion caused frog guts to fly over a five-mile radius.

The threat defeated, the party examined the frog statue and found that a stone key was lodged inside of its mouth.  It didn’t take long for them to realize the key opened a nearby gate. Upon entering the gate, they saw one of the mystical puzzle boxes across yard from them.  Unfortunately, between them and puzzle box was an 80-foot-long pit filled with spikes. Examining the room, they found that a Ninja Warrior peg board had been set up.  Both Rix and Hertz tried to conquer Mount Madoriyama and nearly fell to their deaths in the process, only being saved by the ropes they had tied to themselves that were being held by the rest of the party.  With their Ninja Warrior skills found lacking, the party waited until Xilix came down from his high and had him cast Levitate on Rix, who then floated across the pit.

Once Rix reached the pedestal with the puzzle cube, he realized that it was sitting on a pressure plate.  Doing his best Indiana Jones impression, Rix was able to switch out the puzzle box with a stone of approximately equal weight, and he returned safely across the pit.

Complimenting the party on their victories, Orvez, who had been spending this time translating runes, told them that they had completed the trial of Kubazon, god of bravery.  Continuing their search, they soon came across a giant stone door. Translating the door runes, Orvez speculated that inside the party would face the trial of Shikambe, god of wisdom.

Opening the door, the party found themselves in the spectator box of a small grallatorial area.  Per the writing on the wall, Orvez informed that party that to earn Shikambe’s puzzle box they would have to win in “honorable” combat.  Not seeing anyone to fight, the party headed down the entrance ramp to investigate the fighting pit.

As soon as the entire party was within the pit, a gate opened on the other side, and five clockwork robo-men emerged, armed and ready to fight.  Tired and low on spells after fighting with the yan-ti and Froghemoth earlier in the day, the party soon found itself overwhelmed. Padre suggested that the best course was to retreat to the entrance ramp and create a choke point.

Retreating to the entrance ramp, the party saw that the clockwork men did not pursue.  Rather, they saluted the party and left. It quickly became apparent to the party that “honorable” combat involved the entire party staying within the bounds of the combat area for the duration of the fight.  The party decided to rest for the night and give the fight another shot in the morning after they had the chance to heal and recover their spells.


Will this dishonorable lot be able to win in honorable combat?  Will one of the puzzle boxes require the party to get over the Warped Wall?  Find out next time on Tales from the Plunderbund Consortium!




You can find us at the actual 9 Deuce website where we have the archives as well as other content such as horror movie reviews, wrestling blogs, podcasts, and some other material.  We’re on Facebook, on Twitter @official9deuce, or Tumblr @ superkent92 or Instagram at Official9Deuce .  Share this, like this, write us an email with a question or a comment at  Hell, you can subscribe via RSS.  Facebook and the website are probably the best bets.  Thank you.  Also, I don’t own the rights to any of these music videos, obviously.  You know who the owners are and they deserve all the credit.

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