Film Reviews Horror

The Host (2006)

I found out that Scott Wilson was in this one and had to give it a try.  This is a Korean film, and since this site appears to be popular in Korea, I hope that they enjoy this review.  This isn’t a horror film by today’s standards, but it is a monster movie, so that counts partially at the very least.  Think of this more as like Jurassic Park, which isn’t really horror, but it can be frightening for some.

As I mentioned, Scott Wilson is in this, but only for a few minutes in the very beginning.  He is an American military pathologist and he orders his assistant to dump 200 bottles of formaldehyde down a drain that leads to the Han River.  That’s about it for Scott.  As you can imagine, that leads to the monster in the film.  Most of the film deals with a family and a few other characters.  The grandfather is Hee-bong who runs this like snack bar by the Han River with his son Park Gang-du.  Park Gang-du has a daughter named Hyun-seo.  His sister is Nam-joo who competes for Korea in archery but can never finish first.  His brother is Nam-il who is this college graduate who hasn’t done much with his life other than protest.  There are also a father and son or an older brother and younger brother.  I think they are brothers per wikipedia.  The older one Se-jin and the younger one is Se-joo.

Early on the monster attacks and get Hyun-seo.  She is held captive in the sewers throughout most of the film.  She is later joined by Se-joo after him and Se-jin are captured, but Se-jin died during the attack.  The rest of the family is taken into quarantine by the government.  They escape at one point and become fugitives.  Hee-bong gets killed by the monster.  Park Gang-du is recaptured and tested upon by the government.  Nam-joo has her own incidents with the monster while Nam-il gets information and traces Hyun-seo’s phone call.  Anyway, this all culminates with the government unleashing Agent Yellow at the urging of America.  It does have a sad ending, which I won’t ruin.

All in all, this was a really good movie.  I didn’t want to watch a 2-hour film, but I am glad that I did.  It’s on TubiTV for free with a few ads every 20 minutes or so.  It was fine.  I was really impressed.  This felt like something Speilberg would have made.  The music was good, the shots and acting were good.  The story arc made sense.  I would absolutely watch this one again.  I will reiterate, the ending may make you sad and happy at the same time.

Rating: 7.3 I truly enjoyed this one, and am pleasantly surprised.  Joon-ho Bong was the director and did an absolutely wonderful job.

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