Film Reviews Horror

Rammbock (2010)

I found this film on a list of best zombie movies, and it sounded good.  I didn’t anticipate finding it anywhere, but as I scrolled through Screambox, there it was.  It was only 63 minutes, which was great for me.  So I gave it a shot.

We learn that Michael is in Berlin to return keys to his ex-girlfriend, Gabi.  Michael is instantly irritating as a lead, to be honest.  He quickly teams up with a young guy named Harper and they successfully barricade themselves in an apartment.  We see that these zombies basically have the rage virus from 28 Days Later.  So fast moving, pissed off zombies here.  The rest is about figuring out how to try to survive and of course, meeting other people and either helping or not helping.

The plot is very simple, and they don’t try to go outside of what they know they are capable of pulling off.  I like that though.  This actually looks very good.  While Michael is a horrible lead character, you may even openly hope for him to get bit early on, he does try harder later on and does have a good heart.  Unfortunately, his obsession with Gabi is unbearable at times.  Fortunately, Harper is a great second lead and I think most people who see this will like Harper, at the very least.  Anita is also very likable, who you don’t get too know too well until the final act, but she was solid.

I don’t think the people who like this film care as much about the acting as they do about how this looks and feels.  It really was well done.  This film isn’t for everybody.  Some people need more action and less story.  I get it.  If you don’t like subtitles and don’t speak German, this isn’t for you.  There’s enough here to say that I was impressed.  It told the story that it wanted to tell without wasting your time.  There’s definitely some romance in this one as well.  It’s only really in the final act, but it was a perfect amount without being irritating.  My only concern is replayability.  I think I would show this to some friends, so I think I am treating it as being rewatchable.

Rating: 5.9 – This was a very solid film.  I would have liked more of it though if I am being honest.  More with Harper in the middle and especially the end. I can’t go any higher though, not now at least.

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