Film Reviews Horror

Inside (2007)

Yup, let’s do another French horror flick because I’m sadly wide awake. Damn nap!!! I know the basic premise of this plot. I’ll start you off with that because at least I won’t feel like I’m giving away spoilers during the film.  In France, this film is called: “À l’intérieur”.  I know some of you wanted that info.  This was French horror in 2007 at its finest.  Inside directed by Alexandre Bustillo and Julien Mary.

This French chick is pregnant, and she gets home invaded by some crazy broad who wants her unborn baby. And the gore level is supposedly astronomical. That’s all I know. I have to lower my expectations because I haven’t seen hardly any bad movies yet this October, and Martyrs was utterly brilliant. And yes, I plan on tackling Frontiere, Calvaire, and maybe a couple other French films. I see that I only reviewed The Strangers last year and not ILS which was the originator of that story, and really fucking good. Hell, I may get back into Asian Horror while I’m at it.

I am loving these French films because I understand a few phrases here and there without having to read the subtitles. I used to be adequate in French for the amount of time I spent learning it.

So 15 minutes in, and god this is boring. Whatever hype and happiness I had an hour ago has vanished. We know this, her husband/boyfriend/lover and her were in a car accident and he got killed. She is very pregnant. Her friend Louise seems to want to help her out, but this lady keeps saying no. She’s now home alone, having fucked up dreams, and somebody is at the door. It’s apparently Christmas Eve. The person at the door is using the old “my car broke down” angle to try to use the phone. When rejected, the person calls Sarah (pregnant lady) out for lying about her husband being home and sleeping.

I need some Count Chocula. I hope this isn’t some bullshit “scare jump” movie. Those are dumb. Cereal is an underrated form of food, just saying. I wish I had some Rice Krispies treats now. I’m clearly hungry.

Oh hey, the cops showed up. She called them. Something must happen with the cops in order to make them a non-issue with this home invasion.”Don’t worry. She won’t be back around tonight.” That’s a solid cop answer. HAHAHA, oh man, the follow-up scene is awesome. At this point, I would be calling somebody so I wasn’t alone at night. And I’m not a 9-month pregnant chick. it’d either be that, or I’d get my jigsaw mask and hope to creep a mother fucker out.

OK, so the woman is in, and the violence has started. Hopefully, this momentum can snowball into something fantastic. And the blood has started to flow. OK, you’ve got my attention now Inside. Some of the sound effects are lame, I have to point that out. It doesn’t work for me. Wow, so everytime a stabbing occurs, we gotta hear that awful sound?? I hope not or else I will Sixth Sense the hell out of this film. I’m officially on the fence about this movie at the moment. I’m beyond the halfway point so I’m not gonna stop now. This isn’t All Cheerleaders Must Die bad.

I am sitting here wondering, how does one come to the rational conclusion of “Hey, I’m gonna break into this lady’s house. Then I’m gonna cut the baby out of her. Then I’m gonna live a normal life.”? On the grand scale of plans, this is right up there with whoever greenlit  Adam Sandler’s “Jack and Jill”. Yeah, he somehow has a 3 or 4 picture deal with Netflix now. I guess that makes me happy because maybe I won’t have to see commercials for Grownups 3. OK, OK, back to the film.

Wow, the cops have not done a very good job. And this whole stuff with hiding in the bathroom, this just feels like a game to me. Like really bitch, you couldn’t break into the fucking bathroom? You can do all of this other shit, act like a ninja, but you can’t get past a simple locked bathroom door?

This is turning into one of my biggest pleasures in horror, a series of bad decisions. It’s not “Let’s run upstairs and hide in a closet or under the bed” stupid, but it’s solid. Sarah just made a makeshift sword. I am pleased, and there was a makeshift flame thrower. There was a little bit of bloodshed. Man……it got really fucking bloody.  And now it’s over.

My final thoughts are this. It’s a very, very gory film, like one of the goriest I have ever seen. Do not think this is torture porn, as it’s not. This has a good story, you just have to wait and be patient.  It is illogical at times, but one can always argue that under that kind of duress, you wouldn’t be thinking clearly either. I liked it. I’m not in love with it. I am going to give it a 6. It’s nowhere near as great as Martyrs, but this is one worth watching if you can stomach the gore, and have some patience, and can handle subtitles.


I don’t own the rights to this picture or film. It’s from the film, so they are the owners, not me.

T & A Totals didn’t change at all sadly.

13 Bare breasts

2 bare asses

2 concealed breasts

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