Film Reviews Horror

Taking Lives (2004)

Kristi bought this for me and told me to watch it.  Who am I to argue with a lady sending me free movies, right?  Looking at the cast, I also ways avoided it because of Angelina Jolie.  I know I know.  Yes, I am a heterosexual male.  I just wasn’t crazy about her.  She looked good in this one, much better than in Gone in 60 Seconds, that’s for sure.  Nobody in this film looked as good as Nicholas Cage though, haha.

The story is tough to describe without giving away spoilers, but I will try to try.  There’s a murderer early on named Martin, but that was several years ago.  Flash forward, and we have a killer who is basically stealing his victim’s identity.  He’s just busy…..Taking Lives.  Yeah, I did that.  So from the beginning, you know that we are most likely looking for Martin.  Illeana (Jolie) is an FBI agent that comes up to Canada to give them a hand.  I know a Canadien named Angelina.  It is a small world after all.

The cops have a man in custody who was on the scene of this most recent murder named Costa (Ethan Hawke).  This all leads into other stuff, and Kiefer Sutherland is involved and there’s a sex scene that is very pleasant to view, possibly multiple times.

I will say that this film was incredibly predictable.  The story was good, but there is a scene early on that they really should have played around with to add more intrigue.  They also should have had it so that Martin’s brother was still alive.  This could have been far more complex is my point.  They had all the pieces, but it felt like they phoned it in at times.  I enjoyed it.  Angelina was actually good in this role surprisingly.  Ethan Hawke is one of the most dependable actors out there that rarely gets his due.  Much in the same way that Woody Harrelson just keeps on being awesome. Also, the beginning was probably my favorite part.  The opening scene was really fucking good.

Rating: 5.9 – I can’t give it a 6 because it was too predictable.  I think the point of these films is to keep you guessing.  While I couldn’t have guessed every minute detail, the big things were quite obvious, in my opinion.  As I said, alter that one scene and you could be looking at 6.5-7.0 territory.  They were on the cusp.  Either way, I am happy that it is part of my collection because so many of my films are embarrassing to own.

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