Film Reviews Horror

Quarantine (2008)

I don’t understand why I have heard so much negativity around this movie. The original Rec, was a Korean movie perhaps. One of those Asia countries. Anyway, this was a fun, original feeling movie. Yeah, it was does the bouncy handheld camera thing due to the premise, but it works well and isn’t too chaotic in my opinion. There’s no big names here, but the acting is fine for what it needs to be.

Sometimes I just want to copy and past IMDB’s synopsis. But why come here if you can go there….right?

So this reasonably attractive female reporter is to spend the night with the local fire department. Well you spend 10-15 mins getting to know some of these guys, it was filler but it wasn’t boring really surprisingly. Then they get a call, so her and the cameraman go on a ride along. At some apartment building, so lady was going a lil crazy with yelling. Well she got infected with a disease that causes her to like this killer but zombie-ish, lots of biting and shit. Well of course she attacks somebody, then they get the disease, and the cops and firefighters are trying to restore order, but it keeps spreading. When they try to leave, they find out the government has quarantined the building and they are not getting out thanks to the CDC. So basically they are left to fend for themselves. They have no contact to the outside world at this point. They be fucked. Of course lady survives towards the end and what we are seeing the found footage so to speak.

This was a very fun movie. Don’t take it too seriously and enjoy a gory film with a few potential scares. I think it gets a bad rep because sometimes the public just wants to hate on some horror flicks because they be stupid. I am giving this a 7.1. If you don’t like it, why are you reading this garbage?

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