Film Reviews Horror

A Quiet Place (2018)

I honestly dreaded watching this film.  When a horror movie does really good at the box office and gets hype, I tend to end up disliking it and setting everybody straight.  Think about films like Paranormal Activity, Don’t Breathe, and Get Out.  All had hype, all were mediocre at best.  Hey, Halloween is killing it at the box offices right now.  Uh oh!

This film deal with a world where most people are killed by these creatures with incredible hearing.  So if you make a noise, they will find you very quickly, and you will get got.  I don’t want to ruin the beginning of this film, but it won me over fairly fast with what happened.  Not because I’m a horrible person, but more in that they had the balls to do it.  We watch how this family lives day to day, the emotions that they go through.  Then we see many lessons learned, and how the humans are constantly learning new tactics.  I don’t want to give away too much because it’s still relatively new.  I don’t mind spoiling a 10-year-old film, but this is too recent.

I am going to nitpick here on a couple of things because it’s horror and you must nitpick.  First and foremost, I call bullshit on anybody being alive.  Why?  How do you survive after sneezing?  Everybody sneezes!  I know some can do the quiet sneeze, but even then, I feel like you’d let loose at some point.  Plus, there are other bodily functions that make noise.  Coughing, clearing your throat, going to the bathroom, and so on.

My other issue is that damn nail or whatever in the one step.  Why wasn’t it removed?  Is it because hammering is too loud?  If that is the case, put something hard over it.  That thing was driving me crazy the whole film.

I thought the acting was very good.  Visually, it was nice.  It wasn’t full of jump scares, which was my main concern.  Instead, they told a wonderful story.  Please, do not make a sequel.  This story was perfectly told as is.  Man, as I am writing this, CCR’s “Someday Never Comes” and you must admit, that song goes with this film to an extent.

Rating: 6.9 – I may adjust this in a few years upon repeat viewings.  I don’t know how it will hold up, so I didn’t want to go too high and find out that it has limited replayability.  Still, if you haven’t seen this film, I have to recommend it and say that I had a great time.

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