Film Reviews Horror

Rec 3: Genesis (2012)

This one takes place miles away from the original apartment. I’m curious to see how it goes.

We have a marriage between Koldo and Clara. We see an awful wedding video. Adrian is the camera guy. Atun is a professional videographer. Tita is a girl who is filming, and some chick has something to show, but we don’t see. Pep is an uncle. He has a dog bite wound from recently. Clara shows up. She’s easy on the eyes as you would expect. Granddad is awesome.

After the wedding, Pepe looks a little rough.  Clara is trying to tell Koldo something, but then it’s big dance time. Adrian is interviewing a Spongebob type guy for the kids. Pepe was just puking up blood and some cops are nearby. There’s lots of dancing.  Pepe was on a balcony, and fell through a table, had the red eyes, and just bit his wife. Everybody is screaming. Some of the servers are infected and attacking. It is all-out chaos.

Adrian has Tita and Koldo with him and some other dude. They are locked in maybe the kitchen. Koldo is pissed that Adrian is filming, and he breaks the camera I believe.

This isn’t all handheld anymore. Thank you!!!! Moncho is the “other dude” I didn’t recognize. He’s SGAE inspector, he keeps track of songs played for royalties purposes. He can die. There’s a vent so they have to go, but poor Atun can’t fit. He gives Adrian the camera with night vision.  Now Tita has it. They make it outside to find the cop cars. Adrian saves Koldo and Moncho beats the fuck out of one of these possessed ladies. Like, he went crazy with a tire iron. Death of the film. Moncho gets in the car, and he gets bit while trying to use the radio. Now the sirens are going off, attracting there fuckeroos. So our group runs. They are stuck, can’t open a door, and they are closing in on the church that they are at. Grandma opens the door and saves the day for now.

Koldo says that he has to look for Clara, he senses that she’s still alive. And now she is on the loudspeaker, saying that she can sense him too and that she’s pregnant.  According to some dude, they must be at Central Control to have access to the speakers. Oh man, Koldo found some old ass religious armor.

Now with Clara, she is with the priest, and they are trying to break in. He says that this is Genesis. Oh man, Koldo and the big dude are wearing armor and have shields, believe that. Clara gets out the emergency fire hose to lower themselves. The big dude has some chain mail. Clara and Priest make it down a level, Koldo and Hoss move to get in the building. Clara finds the horny dude with some chick, and they have no clue. Hoss just got got. Damnit.

So Clara’s group ran into a bunch, and Priest held them off with the power of religion. Sigh. We see outside footage of pandemonium and attacks, in black and white. The zombies are getting into the buses. Koldo maced one in the head. Sweet. The French girl and Clara irk me. The French girl is down and bit. So they have Spongebob and horny dude, and Clara. Koldo is surviving on his own. Clara sees her infected mom,  as Spongebob and Horny go check ahead. They shoot and save her. Spongebob is down.

Horny gets her down in the sewers. She doesn’t want to leave without Koldo, but he’s like, if Koldo was alive, he’d given you a sign. Soooooooo you know what happens. He gives her a sign by raising the music volume. This is so bad.  She gets a chainsaw and cuts her dress, it was sexy. Koldo finds Atun dead and his uncle Pepe in the kitchen. Pepe is trying to make this movie better. Koldo takes a mixer to Pepe’s mouth. Sigh.

Some infected are down in the sewer and Clara won’t run, she takes on 3-4 of them with a chainsaw. Horny is bitten. The only ones left are the bride and groom. Rafa is the horny guy’s name. He’s still alive but very hurt. She takes his head off. Now she is retreating because she’s no longer Gung Ho Al. Bitch.

Koldo has found Clara, but there is a grate between them, so she has to find the dropped multi-tool and she is being followed. Almost a nice up-skirt shot. Almost. He gets the grate off, and they kiss. Oh yay.  Everybody is breaking in, better grab your cake cutting sword dumbass.  He tells her that she would have been a wonderful mother. They go for their last kiss, and then over the loudspeaker, there’s the priest reading some holy scripture. The Infected stop in their tracks. This is not just bad, not just dumb, but insulting at this point. I don’t mind dumb, sometimes I appreciate bad, but not this.  About 10 minutes to go.

Clara and Koldo slowly make their escape. Fucking idiots, just haul ass. Yes! Clara just got bit by the granddad. I know I liked him. It was only her hand. Cut the handoff. She gets it. He doesn’t. No, take longer dick, it’s quickly spreading. I hate him. Well, that hurt her slightly. Both deserve to die. Take so much fucking time in this scenario. Still just walking around. Oh man, they are sealed inside via plastic. Oh, and Clara is puking blood. She’s got the red-eye. Kill your wife and baby sir. Be a man. He walks away like a coward. They are being told to stay inside and not come out. There is a tunnel. They gonna get it. They tell her to put her on the ground. Dude….he chooses to kiss her, she rips out his tongue. They get shot the fuck up. Thank you!!!!!! How I loathed these 2. As they are on the ground, she’s fully infected, they still reach out to hold hands.

End Film

This was dumb, This was insulting to my intelligence in regards to the zombies being stunned by the priest. This movie lost me at that point. I would have deemed it re-watchable. Then the zombies are stunned, then they walk as slow as possible instead of booking it and making it out alive, then the stupid kiss and hand-holding. It was very offensive to my intelligence. Well made film though. I loved Pepe and Atun.

Final rating: 4.5

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