Film Reviews Horror

Old (2021)

Yup, another M. Night Shyamalan movie. I never know what I’m gonna get with this dude. He has really gonna across the spectrum of things I really love like Signs, Unbreakable, Devil, and The Visit to mediocre things like Glass, to overrated stuff like The Sixth Sense, to guilty pleasure garbage like The Happening. I […]

Film Reviews Horror

Devil (2010)

Let’s go back to where we began, M Night Sham. Come to find out, most of his films are not considered horror. Fortunately, his third-best film is. SO there’s that going for it. But it is still M Night, so it is far, far, far from perfect. The Happening was perfect. I kid. So you […]

Film Reviews Horror

The Pact 2 (2014)

Here’s a sequel to a movie that I didn’t think needed a sequel. Prove me wrong sequel! We have an Officer Meyer who is with this chick, June Abbott. June is an artist and also a cleaner. She just got a job to clean up a rather gory crime scene involving Ellie Ford. June’s mom […]