Film Reviews Horror

Truth or Dare (2017)

I was looking for the 2018 film with the same name, but I found this on NetFlix and though, eh what the hell.  I am glad that I did this so I could have 2 films to compare a bit.  This apparently premiered on SyFy last year, and it has Heather Langenkamp, better known as Nancy from Nightmare on Elm Street parts 1 & 3 and New Nightmare.  It’s a small role, but perfect for her.

I loved how this started.  We know a girl has to pour acid on her head, so she mixes some water and flour and covers her head and then pours the acid.  So it’s that type of movie.  A bunch of teens or young adults rent out this house and it’s supposed to be haunted I think.  They get together, start drinking and then they decide to play Truth Or Dare.  Well, the dares are in a bowl and they get fucked up fast.

The idea is that if you don’t do the dare, you die.  Truth isn’t much of an option, it is mostly dares.  The house gives you so many minutes to do it, and if you don’t, it will make you or you die.  It’s actually a fun and simple concept.  For a SyFy film, the production value is pretty good.  I was surprised at the fact that they got out of the house about 30 minutes in.  Not before a death a few cool things, but they did come back, obviously.

This succeeded in the creativity department for fucked up things for them to have to do.  I liked that.  Yes, the effects were silly at times.  A noose just breaking through the ceiling, kinda weird.  Still, conceptually, this worked well.  My biggest complaint was that the final 3 were all annoying ass females.  Seriously, mix it up!!  I am sick of hearing whining bitches and then one “tough” girl.  It’s not for me.  Holt was the best character that they had.  Him and Tyler, I think that was him.  The smart dude.  I liked that Holt called the girls out for not participating while the guys took all the harsh shit.  Holt was a hero!

I have a few other gripes that I need to acknowledge.  The ending will piss you off.  If you sit there and say, “Oh, that ending was satisfying” I would never value your opinion on films.  The whole thing about “Let’s put your finger on ice” and then you see the cooler and it has no ice.  I get that its low budget, but ice is fucking free!!!!  Come the fuck on.  Also, I talked to my buddy Ron about this, and I concur.  Why the hell didn’t they just slug some booze toward the end?  Seriously, it would have made shit much easier.  Some of this felt like shit you could see in Saw, and I approve of that.

Rating: 6.1 – I actually really like a good hour of this film at least.  The last 30 minutes, not so much.  I would absolutely rewatch this.  This would fall under guilty pleasure.  I recommend it.

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