Film Reviews Horror

Almost Mercy (2015)

This has Bill Moseley, Kane Hodder, and ECW original, Tommy Dream. Yup, I had to.

This takes place in a small factory town in Rhode Island. This is a story about a boy (Jackson) and a girl (Emily) who became close friends. One of the asshole kids, there’s 3, father caught his wife cheating on him with her boss. The father was Tommy Fucking Dreamer. So he chopped them to pieces with an axe, shot his son with a rifle, and hung himself. This film has already been worth it. Also, Kane Hodder is an asshole gym teacher. This pastor is amazing, saying during the eulogy, that the wife was burning in hell. Yes, it was the great Bill Moseley. Right now, this movie is at an 8 for me, but we know it will drop. The pastor used to touch young Jackson, sexually.

In the gym teacher’s office, there’s Jason’s mask!!! Fuck yes! Nice nod guys. Emily is now a depressed high schooler who reads Sylvia Plath. He has her meet in his office, and he gives her a book that changed his life “The Power Dynamic”. He wants her to ask, “Where does my power live?”. He begs her to bring her gym clothes, as she hasn’t for 6 years. He also encouraged her to stop hanging out with Jackson, or Jax as I will now call him.

Jax’s dad is paralyzed, and a total douche who sits in a wheelchair, watches TV, drinks beer, and shits himself. Jax got picked on by assholes in a locker room, they threw piss on him. He destroyed all 3 and bit the lead asshole’s thumb. Jax got kicked out of school. Emily’s mom had plastic surgery. Her mom takes lots of pills. Well, she has the straight razor, and she’s in the tub. Mom is in a pool of blood, and she ends up in the hospital. I really like the music a lot.

Mr. James became a mentor for Jax. He taught Jax how to shoot. He got arrested 2 months later for a bag of cocaine and a 17-year-old.  Emily went on to get deep into drugs, overdid it, went to rehab, came back. Jax, well, he got to liking guns. She goes to the sheriff’s and they pull her into an interrogation room. The principal is in there with her. So some of the assholes got her drunk or high, they beat her and raped her, but these guys are football players. Sooo yeah, it’s her word against theirs. So she spits in his face as she had marks and proof and he said that all he would do is talk to the boys. Great guy.

Jax is in a psychologist’s office and she’s asking him all kinds of questions. She brought up Mercy Brown, which is the name of a lady who died in 1892. Mercy was whipped, bathed in ice, and forced to drink her mom’s blood, because the doctors thought it was vampire-related. Nah, just tuberculosis. Her younger brother, and only male of the kids remaining, well there was some ritual and Mercy’s heart got tore out and burned. This is a weird little film. Gonna just watch and do a synopsis after or list highlights.

Jax carved MERCY into his arm after being put on some serious psych meds. He’s in a psych ward. After 3 months, he is released and reconnects with Emily. They drink and destroy shit. He kisses her, and nothing, no feelings. Jax has a handgun. He’s got 6 guns at home and a few stashed in the woods.  This is the last of the good times.

He had an assault rifle and used his new drill press to modify it. We see him drawing a map and he has 12-15 guns on his bed. His dad is having a seizure. Jax turns up the TV volume and walks away to let his piece of shit dad died.  Jax is off of his meds. He has a blueprint of the school and he is impressed with himself. She asks why, and he says somebody needs to put this town on the map. She insults him for doing some cowboy bullshit.

Jax is at school, and people are coming out and he has his modified gun, and we know that he is accurate. He drops the gun and gets in his car to drive away, and the cops show up and surround him. Emily sees this on the news. Emily is the stronger of “the twins” and she is the more powerful of the 2 and now she is pissed. She is at the church, and there’s Bill again. He has 4 videotapes with boys names on them, aged 10-11. And he has a shitload of cash. He puts the tape in a vault. The money goes in the briefcase.

Emily has a sweet axe and a nice gun. She has some work to do. Pastor walks out of the kitchen, sees Emily, tells her he has money, and axe to the forehead. NICE. And she walks away proud of her work. We are in the principal’s house, and principal is into boys as well. Fucking creepy bastard. Emily shows up at his place as he is looking at pics from Pastor via email. She asks him what the fuck.  She wants to do this the easy way but gives him some options, basically, he needs to be quiet. Yup, she gives a speech and lays into him. He dead.

She stalks out the asshole boys from the school. The guys bring some girl back to their tiny little trailer, and she shoots them all up. Oh no, there’s Coach, and he is getting a call from Emily via Jimmy’s phone. She invites him to come to Jimmy’s trailer to party, and she kinda seduces him.  He tells some guy that he is closing in on some pussy that he has been working on since she was in 6th grade. He sees the massacre, and she gets him good twice with the axe. Coach gets the upper hand, but she tells him where her power comes from, and shoots him. She killed Jason. Hey, mister piss bottle shows up and Emily runs him over and kills him.  She takes pics as she has after every kill.

She is now home and is all bloody and sees her mom in bed, and she seemed relieved. Mom gives her the address of her dad and his whore, her 6th-grade bitch of a teacher. Mom says that Emily deserved to get her comeuppance.

We see a dude putting on makeup, it’s Em’s dad, and he is about to do some freaky shit. She is gonna tie him up and she, yes she, has a big dick to make him feel better, and she pulls out a big black strap on. Delightful. Emily breaks in. She finds her dad hanging from the ceiling and about to suck off the strap on, and man ass in shown. Em shoots her former teacher. Her dad has the rope around his neck, and she sends a message to him from mom.

She is walking down the street with a gun and briefcase. She walks into the police station, shoots and kills one, now a second one. I’m enjoying the music. She kills the third one. This is crazy, and her boy Jax was getting questioned. She shows him the cash and all the pics that she has been taken. He looks so proud and happy with her. She frees him, they hug, she gives him the money and he runs.

She reflects on how so many people perceived him negatively. She says that he deserved a place to grow up and live where people didn’t know him. She appears to be in a mental hospital.

End film

I went from something so over the top in Chopping Mall to a well thought out, charming, at times surreal film that strikes a chord with today’s audience. Let’s face it, this shit is becoming more and more rampant. Those getting teased and picked on have had enough and they are shooting up mother fuckers. Whether you think that is reason enough to kill is purely opinion based. The sexual abuse, or turning away a rape victim who has clear evidence all in the name of football, yeah, you deserve your vengeance. This was well done, slick, I liked the narration. They had a few big names to carry it early on so you would stay and hopefully develop interest, and it worked. 

Final rating: 7.0

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